Take a Mindful Moment!

  1. Make a worry jar! Write your worries on pieces of paper and put them into a worry jar. You can look at the worries in your jar during your ‘worry time’. You could show a parent, carer or teacher the worries in your jar, and talk about them. If you’re no longer worrying about something, tear up the worry, say ‘goodbye’ to the worry!

4. How many positives can you think of?

I am:

I have:

I can:

2. Writing can be really therapeutic - write a letter to someone you care about telling them what you really like about them.

3. Sit quietly and notice your breath. Focus on breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Try to make the out breath longer than the in breath.

5. Go outside! Nature has so many healing properties so, even (and especially!) when you don’t feel like it, try to get outside for some fresh air and exercise!