What is an alternative provision?

Alternative provision (AP) is education outside of mainstream school arranged by local authorities or schools, for pupils who do not attend mainstream school for reasons such as school exclusion, behaviour issues, refusal to attend school, short- or long-term illness, or other reasons relating. The alternative provision work closely with the student, parents or carers, the students’ host school and (where applicable) other local authority bodies with the desired outcome (where possible) to reintegrate the student back into their mainstream setting. 

What is trauma-informed?

Trauma-informed is the process and practice of recognising and responding to the impact of traumatic stress on students in a nurturing, care-centred way. Trauma-informed and ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) understands how traumatic events shape neurological development and other aspects of psychological health and social behaviour. ACEs can impact attendance, behaviour, working memory and cognitive function, leading to poorer overall academic achievement for young people. Our staff are trained in ACEs and trauma-informed practice and will always work from a trauma-informed approach.

How does your provision support schools, young people and their families?

We support schools with attendance, progress and attainment, through a 1-1 mentoring programme which focuses on improving resilience, supporting wellbeing and delivering Life Skills. We will offer support, guidance and signposting to families and be an avenue of support between school and home. We will link students with other services within the Salford area, based around their interest, to ensure support remains in place following the end of the placement.

We hope whilst placed at EST Education, that our young people will have fun, learn some new skills, feel more able to cope and, when they are ready, return to school feeling happier and heathier.

What areas do you cover?

We cover the entirety of Salford, Greater Manchester.

Do you offer this service privately?

We do not currently offer our service directly to children and/or their families. If you think your child would benefit from our service, please get in touch with your child’s school to enquire if we are currently in partnership with them.

Do you deliver any academic programmes?

Our provision is based around wellbeing and nurture, so we do not currently offer any academic programmes. Please see our programmes tab to look at the additional courses/topics we cover.

How long is the programme and how long will students stay at EST Education?

Our provision is flexible to the needs of the young person, their families and the school. Therefore, we will always consider flexible timetables and programmes.